Basic Package Usage

The following example assumes basic Python programming experience (and that you have installed Goldilocks), skip to the end if you think you know what you’re doing.


To use Goldilocks you will need to import the goldilocks.goldilocks.Goldilocks class and your desired census strategy (e.g. NucleotideCounterStrategy) from goldilocks.strategies to your script:

from goldilocks.goldilocks import Goldilocks
from goldilocks.strategies import NucleotideCounterStrategy

Providing Sequence Data as Dictionary

If you do not have FASTA files, the goldilocks.goldilocks.Goldilocks class allows you to provide sequence data in the following structure:

sequence_data = {
    "sample_name_or_identifier": {
        "chr_name_or_number": "my_actual_sequence",

For example:

sequence_data = {
    "my_sample": {
        2: "NANANANANA",
        "one": "CATCANCAT",
    "my_other_sample": {
        2: "GANGANGAN",
        "one": "TATANTATA",

The sequences are stored in a nested structure of Python dictionaries, each key of the sequence_data dictionary represents the name or an otherwise unique identifier for a particular sample (e.g. “my_sample”, “my_other_sample”), the value is a dictionary whose own keys represent chromosome names or numbers [1] and the corresponding values are the sequences themselves as a string [2]. Regardless of how the chromosomes are identified, they must match across samples if one wishes to make comparisons across samples.

[1]Goldilocks has no preference for use of numbers or strings for chromosome names but it would be sensible to use numbers where possible for cases where you might wish to sort by chromosome.
[2]In future it is planned that sequences may be further nested in a dictionary to fully support polyploid species.

Providing Sequence Data as FASTA

If your sequences are in FASTA format, you must first index them with samtools faidx, then for each sample, pass the path to the index to Goldilocks in the following structure:

sequence_data = {
        "my_sequence": {"idx": "/path/to/fastaidx/1.fa.fai"},
        "my_other_sequence": {"idx": "/path/to/fastaidx/2.fa.fai"},
        "my_other_other_sequence": {"idx": "/path/to/fastaidx/3.fa.fai"},

When supplying sequences in this format, note the following:

  • is_faidx=True must be passed to the Goldilocks constructor (see below),
  • It is assumed that the FASTA will be in the same directory with the same name as its index, just without the ”.fai” extension,
  • The key in the sequence data dictionary for each sample, must be idx,
  • The i-th sequence in each FASTA will be censused together, thus the order in which your sequences appear matters.

It is anticipated in future these assumptions will be circumvented by additional options to the Goldilocks constructor.

To specify the is_faidx argument, call the constructor like so:

g = Goldilocks(NucleotideCounterStrategy(["N"]), sequence_data, length=3, stride=1, is_faidx=True)

Now Goldilocks will know to expect to open these idx values as FASTA indexes, not sequence data!

Conducting a Census

Once you have organised your sequence data in to the appropriate structure, you may conduct the census with Goldilocks by passing your strategy (e.g. NucleotideCounterStrategy) and sequence data to the imported goldilocks.goldilocks.Goldilocks class:

g = Goldilocks(NucleotideCounterStrategy(["N"]), sequence_data, length=3, stride=1)

Make sure you add the brackets after the name of the imported strategy, this ‘creates’ a usuable strategy for Goldilocks to work with.

For each chromosome (i.e. ‘one’, ‘X’ and 2) Goldilocks will split each sequence from the corresponding chromosome in each of the two example samples in to triplets of bases (as our specified region length is 3) with an offset of 1 (as our stride is 1). For example, chromosome “one” of “my_sample” will be split as follows:


In our example, the NucleotideCounterStrategy will then count the number of N bases that appear in each split, for each sample, for each chromosome.

Getting the Regions

Once the census is complete, you can extract all of the censused regions directly from your Goldilocks object. The example below demonstrates the format of the returned regions dictionary for the example data above:

> g.regions
    0: {
        'chr': 2,
        'ichr': 0,
        'pos_end': 3,
        'pos_start': 1,
        'group_counts': {
            'my_sample': {'default': 2},
            'my_other_sample': {'default': 1},
            'total': {'default': 3}


    27: {
        'chr': 'one',
        'ichr': 6,
        'pos_end': 9,
        'pos_start': 7,
        'group_counts': {
            'my_sample': {'default': 0},
            'my_other_sample': {'default': 0},
            'total': {'default': 0}

The returned structure is a dictionary whose keys represent the id of each region, with values corresponding to a dictionary of metadata for that particular id. The id is assigned incrementally (starting at 0) as each region is encountered by Goldilocks during the census and isn’t particularly important.

Each region dictionary has the following metadata [3]:

Key Value
id A unique id assigned to the region by Goldilocks
chr The chromosome the region appeared on (as found in the input data)
ichr This region is the ichr-th to appear on this chromosome (0-indexed)
pos_start The 1-indexed base of the sequence where the region begins (inclusive)
pos_end The 1-indexed base of the sequence where the region ends (inclusive)
[3]Goldilocks used to feature a group_counts dictionary as part of the region metadata as shown in the example above, this was removed as it duplicated data stored in the group_counts variable in the Goldilocks object needlessly. It has not been removed in the example output above as it helps explain what regions represent.

In the example output above, the first (0th) censused region appears on chromosome 2 [4] and includes bases 1-3. It is the first (0th) region to appear on this chromosome and over those three bases, the corresponding subsequence for “my_sample” contained 2 N bases and the corresponding subsequence for “my_other_sample” contained 1. In total, over both samples, on chromosome 2, over bases 1-3, 3 N bases appeared.

The last region, region 27 (28th) appears on chromosome “one” [5] and includes bases 7-9. It is the seventh (6th by 0-index) found on this chromosome and over those three bases neither of the two samples contained an N base.

[4]As numbers are ordered before strings like “one” and “X” in Python.
[5]As “X” is ordered before “one” in Python.

Sorting Regions

Following a census, Goldilocks allows you to sort the regions found by four mathematical operations: max, min, mean and median.

g_max = g.query("max")
g_min = g.query("min")
g_mean = g.query("mean")
g_median = g.query("median")

The result of a query is the original goldilocks.goldilocks.Goldilocks object with masked and sorted internal data. You can view a table-based representation of the regions with goldilocks.goldilocks.Goldilocks.export_meta().

> g_max.export_meta(sep='\t', group="total")
[NOTE] Filtering values between 0.00 and 3.00 (inclusive)
[NOTE] 28 processed, 28 match search criteria, 0 excluded, 0 limit
chr     pos_start       pos_end total_default
2       1       3       3.0
2       3       5       3.0
2       5       7       3.0
2       7       9       3.0
2       2       4       2.0
2       4       6       2.0
2       6       8       2.0
2       8       10      2.0
X       13      15      2.0
one     4       6       2.0
one     5       7       2.0
one     3       5       1.0
one     6       8       1.0
X       1       3       0.0
X       2       4       0.0
X       3       5       0.0
X       4       6       0.0
X       5       7       0.0
X       6       8       0.0
X       7       9       0.0
X       8       10      0.0
X       9       11      0.0
X       10      12      0.0
X       11      13      0.0
X       12      14      0.0
one     1       3       0.0
one     2       4       0.0
one     7       9       0.0

Note the regions in g_max are now sorted by the number of N bases that appeared. Ties are currently resolved by the region that was seen first (has the lowest id).

Setting Number of Processes

Goldilocks supports multiprocessing and can spawn some number of additional processes to perform the census steps before aggregating all the region counters and answering queries. To specify the number of processes Goldilocks should use, specify a processes argument to the constructor:

g = Goldilocks(NucleotideCounterStrategy(["N"]), sequence_data, length=3, stride=1, processes=4)

Full Example

Census an example sequence for appearance of ‘N’ bases:

from goldilocks.goldilocks import Goldilocks
from goldilocks.strategies import NucleotideCounterStrategy

sequence_data = {
    "my_sample": {
        2: "NANANANANA",
        "one": "CATCANCAT",
    "my_other_sample": {
        2: "GANGANGAN",
        "one": "TATANTATA",

g = Goldilocks(NucleotideCounterStrategy(["N"]), sequence_data, length=3, stride=1, processes=4)

g_max_n_bases = g.query("max")
g_min_n_bases = g.query("min")
g_median_n_bases = g.query("median")
g_mean_n_bases = g.query("mean")